characters: Misery, Glee, Mischief, Mania
date written: 6/18/24
After millennia of coexisting, the Three heads, Misery, Glee, and Mischief began to fight. The Three personalities, despite sharing the same thoughts and brain, always stepped on eachothers shoes - the Three as One - annoyed and delighted eachother all the same. Despite the admirations, the shared hatred all would feel if One felt, was intoxicating. The Three grew to despise eachother. They hated themselves all the same. After all, how could One hate Three if Three is One? With such bitterness towards themself, they battled. The self-loathing spiraled into One of which has never been concieved before. Months, into Years, into Decades, Three fought as One against themselves, until they decided. Three would become One, but in a new way. A way not thought of before. *Three becoming One,* they thought. *One against Three, an easy battle to win, to conquer,* they thought. Without word, they had began, to become One. Effects were immediate. As Three, they screamed, they screeched, for anyone to hear. Pain, planting itself in their brains, trickled down to their very core, every possible location burned with a pain unimaginable to even the highest of gods. And before the pain subsided, they screamed, as One. They endured pain, as One. A new mind took over - A new way to experience all that there is. The pain, leaving their heads, retreating into the furthest depths of their core. One, they realized. One. Three, a worthless thought now. The heads, still Three, simultaneously smirk. A wide, creeping grin crawls up the heads. Unstoppable, unremovable. Tears stream from two. Blood from another. One was never meant to cry.
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