welcome to The Blog™ Writing !

here you'll find all my creative writing. pretty much just a fork of the blog, but with creative writing of my characters rather than completely unsorted thoughts from the wet noodle i call a brain ! i'll try to keep everything sorted into categories, sorted by world, then characters. enjoy whatever's in here !

Someone Rises (WIP)

associated OC page

currently, nothing here. i have a document with a bunch of stuff but its kind of bad ?? so i'll add things when i feel like it.

Rain World guys (WIP)

associated OC page

same problem as someone rises, i have some stuff written but its all bad !

MGM stuff

associated OC page

the only characters I've been able to think about recently. kinda sucks that these guys are the ONLY ones I've been able to do anything with but whatever I still love them

Unsorted (WIP)

related OC pages are linked case by case :)

short descripiton