yeah im kinda just reusing the interests layout cause it looks nice and it fits the ocs page just as well. AND IT WORKS !! if it aint broken dont fix it.
but now. the real juice. the real meat and potatoes. the FLESH. my characters. my CHILDREN my babies (theyre all adults with a lot of suffering). all below is my current ocs, arranged in series first then single characters next. and if you ever want more than vague descriptions go >>HERE<<

SOMEONE RISES (mostly done)

associated writing page

my little (big) story about someone being lost in space, left to find out what's left and what's happened.
inspired partially by starbound and like 1000 other things.


associated writing page

these guys ... the funny iterators that ive been progressively making more and more depressing as time goes on. oh well !
(i've acatually been planing to redo these guys' story at some point, and actually give them a better story !)


associated writing page

a world forgotten and abandoned by its gods, people struggle to persist in these lands.

NOG !!

yeah i love this little moth guy i love moths very much so i made my own little moth guy that i love and adore to bits and pieces. not really any lore or personality past that though unfortunately
fun fact ! nog is currently my oldest oc.


made my default loadout in splatoon 3 into a GUY with LORE so enjoy (me not doing it)

music box guy !


OBJECT OC !! they're one of those music boxes that have sheets of paper that you can feed in to play custom music ! as such they cannot speak, since their "mouth" is just a hole to inside of them. one of their arms is their crank, which can be cranked on its own. also, they can be opened up and you can see their insides. ALSO also they alwats have the little papers to make music and are often seen sitting arround making music to play for others.

made by !
(oh and by the way you can enlarge the image, but the icon fought fought me and i lost the battle)