As a preface, I should explain some things about this world.
The grass is no more, the trees are bare. Most cities are evacuated, their buildings fallen, empty, forgotten. The many that are still left scavenge for anything they can find. The gods have forgotten and left the land, as such the sun was torn asunder as consequnce. Two rings are left encircling the planet giving off the last of their light. Before their departure however, they made a singular Demi-God to tend the land, knowing they are incapable of the job as they were taught nothing, just a baby released to rule all that there is.
there is a magic system that i like to call "soul magic". it works by channeling the power and energy of a soul to cast spells. the power of a spell will entirely depend on how many souls are lingering in the immediate area, meaning casting in a more "dead" area (like a warzone, or burnt forest) will result in more powerful outputs. if a caster can recognise the exact name and type of creature a soul near them, they can channel the entire soul to cast incredibly powerful and complex spells. casting spends souls, but the amount that is spends is miniscule compared to channeling. if souls are fully spent, they will be eradicated from existence, never able to be used again.
the current state of the world leaves the biggest gaps in souls, some areas like the fallen cities full of lingering energies, while the dying country sides lie barren of soul energy.
a Aivemind of three heads, each head having its own personality of Misery, Glee, and Mischief. Their personalities are pretty self explanitory, howeverrr...
Misery is depressed and pessimistic, often picking fights with Glee. glass half empty kind of head.
Glee is always being optimistic about everything and telling Misery to "just smile once in a while !" Glee, as already partially implied, is the complete opposite of misery. Joyfully optimistic about everything, never with a care in the world.
Mischief however, is neither the opposite nor the same as either. instead they are chaos, unpredictability. Glee and Misery both love and hate Mischief, as Mischief both cheers up misery, but will also not hesitate to immediately ruin any good mood. For Glee, mischief annoys them a lot, and Glee can get very, very pissed. their fights are not pleasant. and speaking of fights...
the three were never born to hate eachother, but they were never made to love eachother either. when they were made, the last of the gods were departing from the world, abandoning everything they created because they were simply bored with it. but they didn't want to leave it completely empty, so they left a baby in control. the fresh Misery, Glee, and Mischief loved themself, they loved everything, they loved everyone. but time is cruel and as the world deteriorated without the true gods, so did the mind of the beast playing god. they fell ill, they hated. they wanted to hate more efficiently, whats a more efficent way to hate 3 ? erradicate 2.
for as little as i have for their physical appearance i cant help but imagine them looking like clover from deltarune. dont take my word for it though when they finally have a design it will be likely end up quite different.
no (fully made) design yet :(
details | |
Pronouns | They/Them (plural) |
Status | Demi-God |
Personalities | 3 (in one) |
Height | Well over 9 ft (2.7 m) |
As Three, they screamed, they screeched, for anyone to hear. Pain, planting itself in their brains, trickled down to their very core, every possible location burned with a pain unimaginable to even the highest of gods. And before the pain subsided, they screamed, as One. They endured pain, as One. A new mind took over - A new way to experience all that there is.
Mania is born from the result of the pure hatred of self, run into pure insanity from said self-hatred. a Demi-God brought to insanity, unfit to rule any world they could call a kingdom. now, unable to return from the status they fell from, the rest of the three personalities permanently killed, and mashed into one unstable mass. Mania is what the name implies, they are unstable, manic, one second they could be sobbing their eyes out begging for forgiveness, and the next second they wouldnt hesitate to display your insides to the rotting air.
despite still having the physical body of Misery, Glee, and Mischief, the transformation left an impact on them. all three heads now have the same terrifying expression, an unwavering crooked smile, reaching from ear to ear. they talk and breathe through it, unable to falter from the smile. all of the eyes cry a steady stream of tears, with the head that originally was Glee's, bleeding, instead of crying. the head was never meant to cry.
i know what i want but MGM needs their design first
details | |
Pronouns | Any/All |
Status | Fallen from Grace |
Personalities | 1 |
As a part of soul casting, if an entire soul is channeled, the caster may cast a revival spell. The chances that this could go wrong are astronomical, as you cannot fully control what soul you grab to put in the body, it is pure hope as to whether or not you pull the soul you wish to revive. And the wrong soul was grabbed, and put into the wrong body. Souls do not decline the body, but the body declines the soul. If a body has an incorrect soul, the body will rot and deteriorate as it slowly stops providing homeostasis. In order to keep the body 'alive', the soul puts in its own energy, and by the time the body being used deteriorates to an unusable state, the soul will be almost entirely used up and the soul will soon be eradicated.
The Beast Tamer is the prime example of someone who was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. her soul was put into the body of a man she does not know the name of, and after regaining conciousness she attacked the man who revived her and fled into the wasteland. she didn't know what to do with herself for quite some time, until she realized her body was deteriorating. she hid her body and took on a job of hunting feral beasts that terrorize the land. she uses various different weapons, including a modified revolver to shoot sleeping darts, bolases, and a net canon.
i currently have not written a short little thing about her future, but i have a full little written thing if you wanna read it here
as time continues, Beast Tamer's physical form deteriorates. she wraps herself in large amounts of cloth, and a large straw hat to keep her rotten body concealed. it starts with her skin growing pale and falling off, followed by hair falling out and sunken eyes. the rotting continues until her jaw falls off and she becomes completely unable to speak, and eventually her body will completely fail and she will die. her soul will be eradicated.