Log Number 3
I don't get it. The machine finished and now he's just laying there, sleeping(?). I watched in the last few moments, he went from stiff in his chair to about to fall out of it. I caught him, I laid him down. I took the machine away from him, it was finshed but he didn't wake up. I don't get it why isnt he fixed?
Another day, another day without him. I moved him further out to the abyss when I realized he wasnt going to waking up for a while. Maybe it's just a side effect? I never tested it, I just knew it would work. Afterall, I have no one to test it on, I'm the only one here now. I just hope he comes back soon, I'm so lonely here. Even the memories I seemed to prefectly recall from somewhere else are fading, I'm failing to recall anything, I'm even having trouble remembering OUR memories.
I've been staring at him for about a week now. I feel so lost. I did something wrong, I'm not used to doing things wrong. I regret so much. I'm sorry. I love you. I miss you.
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