published: 12/2/24, 12:29 CST
last edited: n/a
yet another absence of posts, i should really get on it one day. problem is, i just dont have enough coherent thoughts to slam down into one big blog post ! the dev log is too small, and the blog's too big ! then again, it's my blog. and until i can figure out a way to maybe implement some sort of comment system, my thoughts are mine forever ! not that its a bad thing, cause maybe some smaller blog posts would be enjoyable. more for just myself though. but for now ? i'm doing something long. or atleast long for me. and at the very least, don't expect anything consistent, i'll just be getting my thoughts down and out to maybe inspire something bigger.
ive been spending a lot of time in my head recently, i feel myself trying to be philosophical but i'm freshly 18, what the hell do i have to be philosophical about ?!?! but despite that i've been thinking about beauty and why we are the way we are. can we escape violence ? is it something that needs to be fought ? if a perfect society has an absence of violence, then how was it beaten ? i've been reading the scythe book series by neal shusterman, it deals with a perfect society's imperfections, and shows a cracked world slowly shattering. im barely on the third book so far, and my god has it made me think a lot. if our AI becomes sentient, i pray it loves us as much as the thunderhead does in the books. but honestly ? even if i didn't know of the imperfections of the world, i wouldnt want to live in it.
despite the loving nature of the thunderhead, despite the allure of immortality* (*your life could be ended at any time by the decision of someone (its complicated)), despite the ability to de-age, despite the draw of eternal happiness. i wouldnt. i'd refuse, i want my mortality. immortality sounds hellish, even if everyone else is immortal as well. a life of pure bliss sounds like a life of, well, NOTHING ! without struggle, people cannot grow. without pain, people cannot progress. no one likes to feel pain, no one likes to struggle, but to struggle is to be human. without struggle are we human ? if we live a perfect life, without flaw, we cannot truly be human.
ah see what i was talking about ? THERES the philosophy ! good ? bad ? probably bad, and you arent even able to give your input ! youre like a worm... or something. actually no, im the worm. it would be real nice to be worm. living in the soil... eating... carcasses ? or plants ??? what do worms even eat ?????
ok i was right they eat dead things (and plants)
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