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the first blog to blog them all !

8/29/24, 18:56 CST

        and here we are ! the blog finally made, finished in all of its glory. well glory isnt exactly what this is but its something alright ! not sure how many people will end up read this stuff or hell, even find it in the first place but thats fine ! im writing for me and thats what matters. hopefully i can use this thing as a better and less cluttered devlog cause i kinda talked in that thing too much. going to try and keep it free from yaps and more direct updates.

        blog tomorrow ! so so very excited cause twitter never lets me put enough of what i think, and sometimes i dont want to bother people with my essays about why a review of a game DEMO made me so genuinely pissed off (i dont want to talk about it) just hope i didnt set this all up just to end up never using it. i promise i WILL make content for this thing, even if its just slow. i'll try to publish something atleast weekly, and i hope to publish variety too and not just check up posts about how im feeling or what made me unreasonably angry this week. might have to type stuff off site too if they get extra long !

        working on this post at multiple different times has not helped with any sort of consistency that this first post couldve ever had, so apologies if this one is all over the place i dont want to make that consistent. think thats all she wrote for today though, so have a good day ! i know i wont, i gotta update a bunch of stuff so the site can stay consistent.

where to ?

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