Home Interests blogging.. Required Poison Ivy OC Garbage

hey just a heads up ! this was made with computers in mind,
so the viewing experience might not be too comfortable for mobile users !

hi hi hi !! welcome to


i hope to lull you into my own little corner of the internet, show you around the things i like and maybe in the future when i actually finsih this damn site show off my ocs and maybe hide a few secrets in the site itself ! either way ive been going insane making this whole site and its been a lot of fun as a little passion project (but if you want to avoid the insanity, dont go to the poison ivy page. i have a lot of brainrot for them)

oh yeah DNI list too

want to find me elsewhere ? i pretty much only have twitter and discord (and steam but like thats not social media) if you want to add me on discord, you'll never guess what my username is. you'll never guess. i said you'll nev its erincool

i also play goatlings, if any of you losers also play that

credits !

thought i'd add some credits for the website incase anyone wants to make a site of their own and add some of the stuff that i added !


salamanders from rain world that are ME

this is me, if you even care

names Erin, Rivulet, Viney
pronouns they/them, it/its
age minor
timezone UTC-5
gayness 11/10

visitor counter !


this catalogs the history of all the changes and updates ive made to the site ! if the devlog ends up getting too long here i might make a subpage that archives older stuff, just to make things cleaner

what needs to get done
● finish oc pages ● make secrets :3*
● revise all main pages ● make writing page

*might require me to learn javascript

9/6/24 | something happened and this devlog didnt publish ! im writing this on the 9th. interests was finished and replublished. enjoy !

9/5/24 | interests page ALMOST able to be replublished ! rewrote everything, got rid of some stuff, added some new stuff, final revision and then publishing !

9/4/24 | small work on interests, got distracted for most of the day.

9/3/24 | i think i did some work over the last 2 days ? im not sure. got some details in, and some things look a bit better. probably just things to make me happier though. also continued on the rework of the interests page

8/31/24 | ITS THE 31ST ?? WHAT THE HELL DID I DO YESTERDAY ?? ...well. ill move on from that and say that the interest page has been... privated for now. it'll come back soon when i can finish revising it. promise ! (also, from now on i will not publish devlogs/updates for secrets. unless im finished with it entirely, have fun finding bits and pieces !) ((hint: check the bottom of this page for the first one))

8/29/24 | BLOG PUBLISHED !! with only one post.. more to come soon ! working on secrets now though. shhh ! :3

8/28/24 | "busy weekend" proceeds to not work on it for almost an entire week. oops ! well whatever. want to make a little blog type thing where i can just talk my heart out without any need to worry about anything else. kinda need to figure out how im gonna set it all up though, which will probably take a while. time is all i've got though !

8/23/24 | bits and pieces of work done on the rain world ocs no work will be done tomorrow or for most of the day after ! busy weekend coming up

8/22/24 | worked on MGM ! tried to finally start learning javascript but oh my god thats so many words and i am very stupid

8/21/24 | yeah so apparently i forgot to publish today's devlog. oops. i didnt write much though all i did was do the Someone Rises OC page and start a little bit of work on the MGM page.

8/19/24, 8/20/24 | spent the entire day going "hm i kinda wanna work on the site" BUT THEN NOT DOING IT !! send help ...

8/18/24 | did some work on the oc page(s) and some small polishing ! not too much else to report on today.

8/17/24 | POLISHED !! not fully completely polished but i got some in. i didnt realize i had both index.html and home.html as the exact same page but i fixed that ! and fixed up some other stuff. its all looking good ! i hope.
(a few hours later and i got a) little counter and credits added :3
(another while later and) IVE GOTTEN TO WORK ON THE OC PAGES ! only after fumbling around trying to figure something out and i didnt even figure it out in the end BUT most of the work for the oc pages will be tomorrow. hopefully i can get it all working and presentable soon !

8/16/24 | been a while since ive shown my ugly mug around here ! finally back to work though. got a little burnt out on working on this shit and then school started a few days ago so.. working on my website became less of a priority. however ! im back on the grind now that its the weekend. found out how to make secrets (winky face) and work on the oc page is FINALLY coming soon ! and after writing this i proceeded to work on polish. now most images that would require enlarging have little magnifying glasses ! (also this made the poison ivy gallery look a lot cleaner)

8/3/24 | alright so ! i absolutely locked the fuck in and completely finished the poison ivy page AND the poison ivy gallery. NOW ITS POLISH TIME !!

8/2/24 | oops ! i was busy ! didnt get any work done :(

8/1/24 | took a break for most of today but started working again and i am getting prettty annoyed with having to clear my cache AGAIN despite blocking firefox from saving any cache from my website. just a small annoyance but clearing it did fix the site not updating and im getting the text for interests in there. added a goal list to the top of the devlog. INTERESTS PAGE IS FINISHED !! updated the goals and im moving on to the POISON IVY PAGE !! i will finally have a comprehensive place for poison ivy information...

7/31/24 | made the devlog and got to work on the home page. home page finished ! or atleast as finished as i want it for now, and made sizeable progress for the interests page. all its lacking is words, words, more words, and some extra polish.

this singular image describes my process to everything perfectly

7/30/24 | got some actual serious work done, background and links to all my pages were set ! also got a pretty vague idea of what i want it to look like now.

7/24/24 | I STARTED !! but all i really did was make a placeholder page and make index.html redirect to it.